[OSM-legal-talk] ODbL: How obscure/inaccessible can published algorithms be?

Anthony osm at inbox.org
Sat Dec 12 23:31:33 GMT 2009

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Anthony <osm at inbox.org> wrote:

> Where does one draw the line between a "Derivative Database", a "Collective
> Database", and a "Produced Work" anyway?  Can a "Produced Work" also be a
> "Derivative Database"?  If not, which definition overrides the other?  An
> image qualifies under the definition of "Database", does it not?

What about a collection of rendered tiles.  That's gotta be a Derivative
Database, doesn't it?  It's definitely not a Collective Database.  The
individual tiles are Produced Works, but the collection of tiles is a
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