[OSM-legal-talk] ODbL: How obscure/inaccessible can published algorithms be?

Matt Amos zerebubuth at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 18:08:42 GMT 2009

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Anthony <osm at inbox.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 2:37 AM, 80n <80n80n at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The example I described above clearly demonstrates that you can't
>> differentiate between company A who doesn't use a derived database and
>> company B who does.
> What if company C makes a derived database and gives it to company D?  Does
> company D have to release the derived database?

no. if company D is a subcontractor to company C and no produced works
are published. if either company C or D publish produced works from
the database, they must make an offer of it. if company D isn't a
subcontractor then company C must make an offer of the database.

> Do they have to mention
> company C?

if D produces works, or further distributes the database or a
derivative of it then yes.



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