[OSM-legal-talk] Okay to trace from public-domain USGS DOQs?

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Thu Feb 12 07:30:46 GMT 2009

Russ Nelson <russ at ...> writes:

> Is it okay to trace into OSM from the public-domain USGS Topographic  
> and DOQ (Digital Orthographic Quads) aerial imagery?  I think the  
> answer there should be clearly "yes".

Why not to ask directly from USGS about this and what they mean with their text
"A cooperative research project with Microsoft and USGS allows viewing of DOQs
online at TerraServer USA. Small portions of DOQs can be directly downloaded
from the TerraServer USA Web site."?  


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