[OSM-legal-talk] Open Street Maps

Iván Sánchez Ortega ivan at sanchezortega.es
Mon Oct 12 01:30:50 BST 2009

El Lunes, 12 de Octubre de 2009, SteveC escribió:
> bouncing to legal...

On 6 Oct 2009, at 07:08, Reischer Florian wrote:
> We have a research project's software that needs to have an imagery
> layer for displaying our own geospatial data (trackings and specific
> locations). [...] We will further declare that all the imagery
> data is your work and that we do not add any information to your
> work without making it publically available. [...] Also we will offer you to 
> get high resolution trackings from the whole county of Vorarlberg (which you 
> might not know but which is the part of Austria we have captured in highest
> detail).
> Please tell me if this is alright for you I think this is a nice and
> legal deal for everyone!

As long as you attribute the map data to OSM (check!) and release any data 
that is based on OSM data (check!), it's alright.

Please remember that any data that you *mix* with OSM data will inherit OSM's 
license (CC-by-sa now, ODbL in the near future). Same goes to OSM-based data. 

Any data you collect from primary sources (captured from surveys) will be 
yours to license in any way, though. Displaying data layers on top of OSM 
maps doesn't trigger the share-alike component of the license, as far as I 
know (see the monopoly city streets case). But having that data will be 
awesome :-)

Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es>

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