[OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

Anthony osm at inbox.org
Mon Aug 9 14:37:16 BST 2010

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Richard Fairhurst <richard at systemed.net> wrote:
> Ed Avis wrote:
>> Anthony writes:
>> > I'm currently working on a fork.
>> I'm still hopeful that people will find some compromise, and it won't be
>> needed. (Myself I would be quite happy if the project chose a dual
>> licence.) But if a fork proves necessary, I'll be happy to help.
> My impression (though I've not done a rigorous survey) is that the vast
> majority of the core developers are pro-ODbL so I guess you might need a bit
> of help getting it up and running. Certainly I'm happy to help you with
> anything Potlatch-related, not because I'd use a fork myself, but to
> encourage diversity and all that. :)

Thanks to both of you.  I'd like to reiterate that right now the fork
I'm currently working on is purely private, by which I mean that I
have no current plans to let the public edit it.  If I can figure out
a way to make the fork public without spending a bunch of money, I'll
do so, but so far I can't figure that part out.

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