[OSM-legal-talk] Copyright Assignment

Anthony osm at inbox.org
Fri Jan 1 17:40:53 GMT 2010

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Rob Myers <rob at robmyers.org> wrote:

> But OSM does not require copyright assignment, so it is not *directly*
> relevant.

What OSMF requires in the current draft is for you to effectively give up
your copyright altogether.  OSMF then copyrights the database as a whole,
asserts database rights on the database as a whole, and tries to get people
to enter into a contractual agreement on the database as a whole.

No, it's not copyright assignment, but it's basically the same thing.  If
you agree to the contributor terms, you can't sue anyone for a license
violation, but the OSMF can.
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