[OSM-legal-talk] [DRAFT] Contributor Terms 1.2

Francis Davey fjmd1a at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 11:37:28 GMT 2010

> No, the data contributed to OSM must be licensed to OSMF under the
> contributor terms:
> "You hereby grant to OSMF and any party that receives Your Contents a
> worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable licence to do
> any act that is restricted by copyright, database right or any related right
> over anything within the Contents, whether in the original medium or any
> other."
> The rider in section three restricts what OSMF can do with the contents but
> it doesn't give any contributor the right to agree to the above clause
> unless they have full ownership of that content.

Quite. There's probably a missing "to the extent that you are able" or
similar before the "You hereby grant", or some similar dependant
wording. It is only a draft so far, my understanding is that its
clearly intended that (i) to the extent that the contributor has
copyright etc in the contributed data, they license OSMF to use it and
(ii) to the extent that they don't, they are asked (but not required
to warrant) that the contributor makes sure it is compatible with the
current licence.

That seems to me the only way to do things if you want to allow both
sets of data to be incorporated and the possibility of any future
licence change.

Francis Davey

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