[OSM-legal-talk] Using OSM data on mobile application

Adam koshykab at gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 11:19:59 UTC 2013


I have questions about case when i want use OSM data in mobile application.
Data will be used in two ways:
a) Displaying nearest POI nodes on using overpass API - data will be 
received form server.
b) Using earlier prepared databases in mobile application file format 
(SQLite) - extract only nodes form OSM data for specific cities or regions.

In the application there will be only information about POIs in list 
form - without map.
1. Where on application should I put information about POI source (“© 
OpenStreetMap Contributors” ) - on the screen where data are displayed 
?, or is it enough to put this information on screen About in the 
application ?

2. Regarding to prepared databases in SQLite format - i want give 
possibility for users to download these databases. On site will be 
information about source, but information about source (OSM) should be 
stored inside SQLite datafile (e.g. dedicated table) ? SQLite format is 
acceptable as format for  public redistribution or should i also 
distribute these data in OSM XML data ?

3. What in case when data in application will contains user private POI 
and from OSM source (will be in the same database table distinguished by 
osm identifier). This database will be automatically licensed as ODbL, 
even it is used only for private purposes ?

Thanks in advance for help and interpretation of license.


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