[OSM-legal-talk] redraw from CC-BY-SA tiles and ODbL data

Lars-Daniel Weber Lars-Daniel.Weber at gmx.de
Wed Dec 31 17:14:46 UTC 2014

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

I've written a small tool in OpenLayers, which shows the official OSM tiles from the OSM server.
The imagery/drawing is CC-BY-SA and the data in ODbL - that's fine that far.

But my tool can draw on those images: you can enter POIs, draw ways and other things.
You can't select any OSM data (you can't click on a way or something).
You can export coordinates and GPX/KML files from those new objects.

Are these objects to be released in ODbL and have they to be given back to the community?
Since the CC-BY-SA tiles might have some generalisation (smoothing, selection), this license also has to be encountered.

Best regards,
Lars-Daniel Weber

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