[OSM-legal-talk] Storing OSM Data in a proprietary format

Simon Poole simon at poole.ch
Wed Jul 23 17:18:13 UTC 2014

Am 23.07.2014 00:04, schrieb Matthias Schmid:
> ....
> Does this mean that it is sufficient, if I provide the Database (the
> identical data) in a different format (which is not proprietary), e.g. under
> the ODbL? Your answer seems to suggest that this true. However, I think what
> confuses me is the term *medium*, which seems to refer to a the type of
> storage rather than to the format of the database.
This is likely just yet another case of "when legalese meets IT ... "
IMHO it is likely that the authors were thinking of encrypted or other
media, but I would consider it likely that it would just as good apply
to a proprietary format.

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