[OSM-legal-talk] Is it OK to copy info from booking.com?

Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at tutanota.com
Wed Dec 23 14:10:00 UTC 2020

As I understand, copying parts or individual entries from booking.com
would be against rules.

But I want to confirm this before documenting or claiming this elsewhere.

Use case:

https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/2465448 was opened reporting
existence of a hotel

Based on mapped address I located its entrance at booking.com
and equivalent websites

Using that I established that tourism=chalet operates there under
the name reported by note.

Can I create tourism=chalet object on the OSM?

I expect not, as it would be copying part of booking.com database -
and even if my copying would not be systematic, then many mappers copying
different entries would become a systematic copying.
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