[Mapcss] Image to show oww

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Thu Jul 8 08:23:51 BST 2010

Dear all, I feel a bit more confident now about presenting you 'ceyx':
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ceyx which is my pathon-based mapcss
parser and osm renderer. My current stylesheet produces things like that:


(and yes, it can do the pharmacy icons via icon-image since a few
minutes ago, that's why they are there at z13) :-).

- Rendering directly from .osm files
- Outputting .png files at desired size, at desired zoom level
- Supports this set of MapCSS 0.1:
 All line properties BUT:
  casing-opacity, casing-dashes, casing-linecap, casing-linejoin 
 All Point properties:
  icon-image (can also draw for an area)
 All Label properties BUT: max-width
 - 'bezier=yes' for beziercurving a way

- Ignoring relations for now
- No eval in CSS yet,
- no regex operator yet
- No stacked drawing rules yet
- No labels along paths yet
- No label/icon suppression yet
- Icons/Labels for areas are simply put in the 
  center of the boundary^box for now. Need more fancy algorithm for eg
  half-moon shaped areas.

Code is on bitbucket.org (link see wiki page) and is released under the
GPL v2+.

Happy hacking,
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