[Mapcss] Kothic JS - a full-featured JavaScript map rendering engine using HTML5 Canvas

Peter Wendorff wendorff at uni-paderborn.de
Thu Jun 30 11:14:17 BST 2011

Am 30.06.2011 12:07, schrieb Ab_fab:
> Hi,
> Would it be possible to include elevation data (SRTM or eq.) in the 
> tiles, in order to allow the generation of contour lines and even 
> hillshading during rendering ?
You could simply generate GeoJSON-Polygons out of the SRTM data yourself.

The data provided by the demo application is generated by a 
Python-Script availlable at GIT, so you can change the tiles to whatever 
you want.
It's even possible to generate the JSON-Data out of OSM XML in the 
browser using Javascript - I'll publish my demo in a few days ;)


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