[OSM-newbies] Upload-Data

ael law_ence.dev at ntlworld.com
Mon Oct 6 12:57:04 BST 2008

Marian Borgwardt wrote:
> Hello,
> i am an absolutely newbie. My first question is how to upload data to OSM.
> I collected date and imported them to JOSM, then I downloaded the existing
> date from OSM-Server and drawed the nodes. Now I tried to upload the data to
> OSM server, but nothing happened since nearly 2 hours.

 If you mean that josm seemed to upload that data, but that nothing
seemed to have changed on the openstreetmap display, then see the
previous answers. But if you mean that josm just "hung" while trying to
upload data, then this seems to happen quite often, perhaps when the
servers are overloaded. In that case just "cancel" and try again.


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