[Osmf-talk] Treasurer's report for tomorrow's AGM

Christoph Hormann chris_hormann at gmx.de
Sat Dec 10 09:49:47 UTC 2016

On Saturday 10 December 2016, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> > Seriously, i don't really care much about past money spent, my main
> > motivation to bring this up here is future decisions.  So if (and
> > only if) others also consider this useful and important it might be
> > a good idea to document this in more detail in the future.
> It looks like we'd have to ask our lawyers to make more specific
> invoices so that we can then make more precise accounting ;)

Well - if it were that simple that would probably be a good idea but as 
you describe things it is likely common practice in that field to be 
opaque about such details.  And this is probably not going to change 
just because some client wants it to.

Result for me: i now definitely regret i asked. But that's occupational 
hazard if you poke your nose around. :-)

Anyway thanks for doing the research.  It might after all lead to a more 
factual discussion of the trademark matter.

Christoph Hormann

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