[Osmf-talk] Election results

Oleksiy Muzalyev oleksiy.muzalyev at bluewin.ch
Thu Dec 15 08:38:43 UTC 2016

On 15.12.2016 10:16, Rory McCann wrote:
> On 14/12/16 23:07, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:
>> It is possible to
>> record an IP address of a voter, calculate statistics, and display it on
>> a map in real time, with the number of people who voted and still
>> expected to vote.
>> I could nod find a possibility to check if the vote for my token
>> "gS...Txju5tQl...jcUb9zu...", which I received by e-mail as part of the
>> URL, was registered correctly in the database.
> This might sound good, but it can negatively affect elections. If you
> can prove what way you voted, then someone can force you to reveal how
> you voted. Imagine an abusive employer who wants to ensure their
> candidate gets on the board. They tell all employees to vote for them,
> and then demand that people show that they actually voted that way.
> Likewise, checking votes by IP means a company can see who voted from
> the company offices.
Thanks for pointing that out. On the surface of it, it seemed to be 
easy, but it turns out that voting is actually a hard non-trivial 
problem due to socio-economic factors.

Verifying a vote by a personal token is definitely a bad idea. The same 
probably for determining a country by IP and visualising results on a 
map, at least for countries with small number of the OSMF members.

Best regards,


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