[Osmf-talk] OpenLitterMap + OpenStreetMap = Stop plastic going into the ocean

Oleksiy Muzalyev oleksiy.muzalyev at bluewin.ch
Fri May 19 13:34:18 UTC 2017

Dear Seán,

I cannot sign up at the page https://openlittermap.com/signup in Firefox 
browser. I tried with the latest Firefox on Windows and Mac. I click on 
buttons and nothing happens.

In Chrome browser these buttons work all right.

Is it a bug or it is Chrome-only as say https://www.matecat.com/ 
website? But at the MateCat they write at the entry page that it is 

With best regards,

On 18.05.2017 23:56, Seán Lynch wrote:
> Hi guys
> I am one of the most recent members to join the OSMF
> and I am also the developer of OpenLitterMap.com 
> <http://OpenLitterMap.com>
> As well as data on litter, I am also interested in collecting fixed 
> geospatial data on gutters, storm drains etc. which you can now map + 
> download @ openlittermap.
> eg
> https://www.instagram.com/p/BToLhAHjYI_/ 
> <https://www.instagram.com/p/BToLhAHjYI_/>
> https://www.instagram.com/p/BTfC9-BjQxJ/ 
> <https://www.instagram.com/p/BTfC9-BjQxJ/>
> This is a new upgrade (~2 hours) so there is very little data on these 
> fixed geospatial "Pathways" up there yet, but now you can add it in. 
> It should work anywhere on the globe. If you can help me find a bug, I 
> will increase your upload allowance. Once data passes verification, 
> all maps locations etc will update including geospatial & quantitative 
> analysis. This data on fixed geospatial pathways may be adopted by OSM.
> Also, I am reverse geocoding with the most recent release nominatim 
> and all these values (entire addressArray) are included in the 
> downloads CSV per image. Its a pretty easy way to get a sample of OSM 
> address data and may provide room for improvements in addressing 
> however users should be aware that the created_at timestamp is a 
> reflection of when the request took place and the address may not 
> reflect the most recent address. The lat & long is also at your 
> disposal so it would be easy to test the address for changes
> Maps can be accessed by openlittermap.com/maps/ 
> <http://openlittermap.com/maps/>_Country/State/Location_/map/
> with downloads available at every stage for authenticated users. I 
> will include more options for viewing soon.
> eg
> https://openlittermap.com/maps/United%20States%20of%20America/California/SF/map
> If your location is not included yet, simply add in geotagged data of 
> litter from any location and have it verified (Current waiting time of 
> 0-12 hours). If you add in a new location, soon you will be added to 
> the hall of fame for history to remember :-)
> If you would like to download data, simply log in and click the 
> download button per country, state or city and its yours. Can you 
> figure out how to stop plastic going into the ocean? Can you make 
> inferences between OLM and OSM data?
> There is not a lot of data up there yet so feel free to add it in
> You may also change the size of the hex grid for spatial analysis and 
> filter the data temporally via time sliders or through the url
> There is currently no mobile app but it works in the browser on any 
> device. Just log in it works on laptop, iOS, Android etc. My 
> recommended strategy for data collection is 1. Collect geotagged 
> images of litter* in your own time and move them to an external space. 
> 2. Once a month, submit them to OpenLitterMap. 3. Process them in your 
> own time.
> *make sure the litter items are visible, because you are the one who 
> has to process the images later.
> there is a GeoForAll webinar here
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_w-Qyn3i3E
> and another tutorial on youtube
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E0c5TIYzNI
> (There have been and will be many more upgrades following these 
> already outdated tutorials)
> For a quick history of the 1-month history of OpenLitterMap, check out 
> my Instagram <http://openlittermap.com/openlittermap>
> Finally, I am looking for a talented graphic designer to contribute to 
> OLM to help stop plastic going into the ocean and I can offer some 
> commission
> Finally #2, feel free to download this poster 
> <https://www.facebook.com/openlittermap/photos/a.799900953508627.1073741828.799428066889249/818244271674295/?type=3&permPage=1> 
> and hang it up in your departments, cafes, hostels etc. to get more 
> people interested in OpenLitterMap. If you send a pic of the poster, I 
> will increase your upload allowance!
> Cheers from Ireland \m/
> Happy mapping!!
> Seán
> -- 
> https://openlittermap.com @OpenLitterMap (Fb, Tw, Ig)
> M.Sc. Coastal & Marine Environments (NUIG, 2015)
> M.Sc. GIS & Remote Sensing (UCC, 2014)
> B.A. Geography & Economics (UCC, 2011)
> ie.linkedin.com/in/seanlynchgis <http://ie.linkedin.com/in/seanlynchgis>
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