[Osmf-talk] Proposal - OSMF Should Adopt a Code of Conduct

Christoph Hormann chris_hormann at gmx.de
Mon Sep 24 17:37:28 UTC 2018

On Monday 24 September 2018, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
> In case you missed it, one of the (if not *the* most) prominent
> open-source coding projects that never had a "standard" Code of
> Conduct has recently adopted* [...]

Before a lot of people start reenacting the previous discussion i think 
it is a reasonable suggestion to save everyone's time that anyone who 
wants to re-visit this subject should

a) re-read the previous discussion in this thread.
b) acknowledge the different positions and points having been made in 
that discussion already.
c) clearly state what new arguments you want to bring into the 

I think this would help a lot avoiding pointlessly exchanging arguments 
that have already been made before.

Personally i have talked to quite a few people about the matter over the 
course of this year but with the exception of Rory McCann with whom i 
had several very productive and insightful conversations on this 
subject so far i have found no one who was willing to defend a specific 
idea for codified behaviour regulation in an international 
cross-cultural and multilingual community like OpenStreetMap in a 
serious discussion about the ethical context.

Christoph Hormann

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