[Osmf-talk] Toward resolution of controversies related to iD

Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at tutanota.com
Tue Jun 9 10:18:43 UTC 2020

Jun 9, 2020, 01:24 by phil at wyatt-family.com:

> I would also support point 2 of Craigs email – a formal curation process for tags. It seems to me this is the biggest issue that seems to cause angst to some OSM users and, depending on its implementation, could also be used by any editing software. I also think it could be extended to include how tags would be validated. This would mean that developers could concentrate on the actual interface more so than dealing with squabbles about which tagging/validation is correct. OSMF should ‘own’ the tagging system and the developers just do the implementation of that ‘certified agreed system’.
We have already an existing tag approval process, that seems to fullfill what you want.
How new one would be different?

> As a user, the hardest thing is to find a central definitive list of ‘approved tags’ and how they should be used.
and  https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features that lists also major de-facto tags

Though note that many tags never went through tag approval process (like highway=motorway)
- feel free to make formal proposal for them though I am skeptical about benefits.

Overall, OSM Wiki is trying to make such documentation and while it has some problems
I am not aware about some replacement without this problems of with a set of a different ones.

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