[Osmf-talk] 2022 Board election - Submission of self-nominations is open

Dorothea Kazazi dorothea at osmfoundation.org
Sat Oct 15 00:10:36 UTC 2022


Submission of self-nominations for the 2022 board election is now open.

You can put yourself forward as an OSMF board candidate by adding
your information at
* Please check the eligibility requirements below.
* Deadline: 22 October 2022, 23:59 UTC

Three of the seven board seats are available. Board terms are usually
two years until the seat comes up for re-election.

You can find information on what the board is/is not, rules,
responsibilities and personal views of current and past board members at

### Eligibility criteria for board candidates
Any person may be elected to become a board member, provided that:
* They are normal OSMF members(1) 28 days before the General Meeting,
* they have been a normal member or associate(2) member during the full
180 days(3) before the General Meeting, and
* are willing to act as a board member, and
* are permitted by law to do so.

(1) Normal members provide their full residential address and can vote
on all issues. Their residential address may be disclosed to other
(2) Associate members provide just their country of residence and can
vote - but not on all issues. More information at
(3) 180 days: OSMF membership start date before 13 June 2022, if the
Annual General Meeting takes place on 10 December 2022, as scheduled.

#### Finding the type of your OSMF membership (normal/associate)
If you want to find out the type of your membership (Normal or
Associate), please check the most recent approval/renewal membership
email or email the volunteers of the Membership Working Group at
membership at osmfoundation.org from the email address which is associated
with your OSMF membership.

#### Associate members who want to become board candidates
You can change your OSMF membership from associate to normal membership
by emailing the volunteers of the Membership Working Group
at membership at osmfoundation.org

* Send your email from the email address which is associated with your
OSMF membership.
* It is necessary to provide your residential address, which will be
available to other OSMF members.
* Please change your membership type before adding your self-nomination
to the candidates' table below. If you decide to be a candidate at the
last minute, you can still add yourself as an associate member, but you
have to change your membership type immediately after the submission
period of self-nominations closes. In this case please email both
membership at osmfoundation.org and dorothea at osmfoundation.org Thank you.

### For candidates - general information
* Please do not answer the questions by the community at this stage.
Mike Collinson (facilitator for the questioning process) will publish an
official set of questions, based on this year's community questions and
past ones. The official set of questions will be published above the
community questions, probably on 2022-11-06 at
Election_to_Board and board candidates will be notified.
*  Please send your answers and manifesto as .txt files with Mediawiki
formatting https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Cheatsheet for links, lists,
* Send your answers to the official questions *and your manifesto*
directly to the facilitator and cc me (mike at ayeltd.biz, dorothea at
osmfoundation.org). It's up to you to answer all the official questions
or just a few of them. Our suggestion is to answer all of them.
* When candidates have submitted their answers, there will be a given
date when answers/manifestos will be published at once. The proposed
date is 18 November.
* Then discussion commences, preferably until 3 December 16:00 UTC, when
voting opens.

This is expected to be the official election campaign process. We won't
restrict members to continue to talk on our members' mailing list nor
will we restrict candidates to continue discussions, but we don't
encourage them to do so. The official answers and questions thereof
should be what voters use to judge.

You can already start writing your manifesto. More information at:

# Additional resources
For more information regarding the 2022 board election and the 16th
Annual General Meeting please see the following links:
* OSM wiki:
* OSMF website:

warm greetings,

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