[osmosis-dev] Merge 2 maps

Martin mkmap at snailrun.de
Mon Mar 14 22:25:36 GMT 2011


maybe it's a bug. I've already posted it on the german section of the  
osm-forum (http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=11591).
I'm trying to merge 2 maps from geofabrik. But I still get not  
connected ways. When I open each file (or better to say a small  
bounding-box) in JOSM, I see that the way can overlap, but after  
merging the ways are not connected.
One map:
Second map:
Merged map:
Is there an option to force osmosis to connect this ways?! AFAIK it  
should be easy to do this.

Thanks for any help.
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