[OSRM-talk] OSRM v0.4.2 release announcement

Dennis Luxen info at project-osrm.org
Fri Jun 27 10:00:35 UTC 2014

Dear OSRM community,

I am excited to announce the release of OSRM v0.4.2 [1], your favorite OpenStreetMap based routing engine, about a month after the v0.4.1 mile stone. We are moving at a fast pace and are combining nearly 350 commits (131 files changed, 4154 insertions(+), 5443 deletions(-)) this time. This release brings a number of exciting changes, most notably Windows support and significantly faster queries!

This is the shortened change log:

- Windows support: Fetch the latest develop branch build from http://build.project-osrm.org
- MinGW compiler support
- Parallelization now uses Intel Thread Building blocks, bringing feature parity to all supported platforms
- Significant query speed improvements, about twice as fast
- The distance table feature does not need any zoom level anymore. Finds best nearest edge automatically
- First compressed and succinct data structure to improve memory footprint
- Improved and faster heuristics for polyline generalization
- Fixes a resource leak on shutdown
- Shared-Memory parallel sorting where applicable
- Lots of smaller and bigger changes to the code base
- Lots of code improvements thanks to C++11 and static analysis tools
- Better control the number of used threads during extraction and preprocessing
- Updated NodeJS bindings [2] supporting the new distance table API endpoint

Please note that the minimum compiler requirement for Windows is MSVC 2013 Nov CTP. As always, we are dog-fooding our releases and the code of v0.4.2 is already running on our demo site [3] for some time now. The v0.4.x release series continues to focus on new features and significate efficiency improvements. Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this important milestone release!

Dennis (on behalf of Team OSRM)


[1] https://github.com/DennisOSRM/Project-OSRM/releases/tag/v0.4.2
[2] https://github.com/DennisOSRM/node-osrm/releases/tag/v0.11.0
[3] http://map.project-osrm.org

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