[OSRM-talk] Huge difference in needed time computation OSRM / Google Maps

Dennis Luxen info at project-osrm.org
Mon Mar 24 13:36:33 UTC 2014


> Regarding an army of cell phones:
> we can and are willing to provide approx.. 200 million records per year in real time with information how fast the traffic currently is at a given position in which direction at a given time.
> 80% of this data is from Germany.

This would be super helpful. Previously we had a couple hundred GPS traces for limited areas like a single city. Matching these gave good results in terms of adapting the average travel speeds.

> In addition we can provide free of charge various Android software that allows recording and uploading the GPS based speed of a mobile object at a given position at a given time including heading information.

Sounds great, too.

> I´m sure there are other developers of apps / telematics companies as well that are willing to contribute such data.
> Our lawyer checked from a legal point of view if there are any implications and confirmed, that the way we provide the data is fine regarding German privacy laws.

Looking forward to that. Especially since German law is particularly strict in this regard.


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