[OSRM-talk] OSRM 4.9.0 released

Aurélien .... kinju59 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 17:41:25 UTC 2015


When you define the CSV file structure "from_osm_id;to_osm_id;edge_value",
what means the "osm_id" ? Two vertex of an edge or a set of connected edges

For example, e is an edge and n a vertex :

n1 -------(e1)------- n2 -------(e2)------- n3 -------(e3)------- n4 -------
(e4)------- n5

Should we make a CSV file with 4 lines (n1-n2, n2-n3, n3-n4, n4-n5) or one
line (e1-e4) ?

Thank you very much for your work, and happy new year in advance !


On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Patrick Niklaus <
patrick.niklaus at student.kit.edu> wrote:

> # Overview
> `4.9.0` is a massive release with 198 files being touched, 8501 lines
> added, and 6308 deleted.
> This release features experimental support for traffic updates based on CH.
> It is an experimental feature and will most likely be subject to
> change. Some instructions
> to get traffic updates running can be found int the wiki
> [here](https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Traffic).
> This release also features support for 64 bit OSM node ids. This
> drastically increases the disk space needed for pre-processing. Server
> memory usage is not affected. In preparation for the upcoming API
> re-write in `5.0` some smaller API breakges were introduced in this
> release. Leaflet-Routing-Machien 2.6.1 is compatible with the new API.
> As always this node-osrm 4.9.0 can be found on npm as well.
> # Changelog
> ## API changes:
> - BREAKING: Changed response code for ok to `200`
> - BREAKING: Fix off-by-one in via_indices (was one index too high)
> - BREAKING: Removed `osrm/server_path.hpp`
> - Add max value for viaroute and trip to osrm-routed. Default: 500 for
> viaroute and 100 for trip
> - Allow POST request without POST data
> - Add response code 208 for no segment found (important for bearing filter)
> - New temporary file `.level` created by osrm-prepare (see level caching)
> - New temporary file `.edge_segment_lookup` and `.edge_penalties`
> created by `osrm-extract` if passing the `--generate-edge-lookup`
> options.
> - API grammar got more strict to discard invalid requests faster.
> Options like `hint`, `u` and `b` now need to follow directly after a
> `loc` (or `src` and `dst`). Example:
> `&loc=..&u=true&b=0,10&loc=...&u=false&loc=...`. The following is
> illegal: `&loc=..&loc=..&loc=...&b=0,10&u=true&u=false`.
> - Pre-turn bearing is now available in the `route_instructions` array
> as last field
> - Remove short option name `-m` from `osrm-routed` as it conflicted
> - New option `--segment-speed-file` for `osrm-prepare`. CSV file using
> `from_osm_id;to_osm_id;edge_value`.
> ## Bug fixes:
> - Support 64bit OSM node ids
> - Fixed u-turn penalty, value from lua profiles was not used
> - Fix street name corruption for large datasets
> - Properly initialize UUID used in Fingerprint class.  Fixes #1721
> ## Maintenance:
> - Rewrite nearest neighbor search code
> - Rewrite via-route search and fix multiple related bugs
> - Add test for small component snapping
> - Update variant library which fixes GCC 5.1.2 compile errors
> - Silence warnings with GCC, LTO does not yet respect the -isystem switch
> - Use ccache by default if available and a suitable compiler is used.
> - Switch Travis builds over to trusty for Linux
> - Fix pkgconfig cmake template
> ## Features:
> - Support general nxm queries to table query (thanks to @fab-girard)
> `loc`, `dst`, `src` parameters
> - Add edge update step to `osrm-prepare`. Enables fast edge weight updates
> - Add level caching `--level-cache` for `osrm-prepare`. This allows to
> speed up consecutive runs of `osrm-prepare` **on the same dataset**
> (only edge weights updates allowed).
> - Small component size is now configurable over parameter for `osrm-routed`
> - Support adding bearing filtering. Use `b=BEARING,RANGE`
> - Add support for advisory speed limits
> - Add duration and distance fields to `match` response
> - Human-readable error messages for out of memory
> - Include (road) name of matched nodes in addition to coordinate.
> - Add `is_startpoint` property to `result` ways in the lua profiles.
> Determines if a way can be a start point for a route (e.g. is set to
> `false` for ferry ways).
> # Thanks
> Thanks to all the contributers of this release:
> - Arne Kaiser
> - Daniel J. Hofmann
> - Daniel Patterson
> - Fabien Girard
> - Johan Uhle
> - Jordan Markov
> - Kal Conley
> - Lauren Budorick
> - Moritz Kobitzsch
> - Rohan Paranjpe
> Cheers,
> Patrick
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> OSRM-talk at openstreetmap.org
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