[openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website] Add Docker Compose Support for Development Environment (#2409)

Michal Migurski notifications at github.com
Wed Dec 16 17:05:41 UTC 2020

@migurski commented on this pull request.

> +      - cp config/example.storage.yml config/storage.yml
+      - touch config/settings.local.yml
+      - echo -e "---\nmemcache_servers:\n  -" > config/settings/test.local.yml
+      - bundle exec rake db:migrate
+      - bundle exec rake i18n:js:export
+      - bundle exec rake yarn:install
+    script:
+      - bundle exec rubocop -f fuubar
+      - bundle exec rake eslint
+      - bundle exec erblint .
+      - bundle exec brakeman -q
+      - bundle exec rake db:structure:dump
+      - sed -e "/idle_in_transaction_session_timeout/d" -e 's/ IMMUTABLE / /' -e "/^--/d" db/structure.sql > db/structure.actual
+      - diff -uw db/structure.expected db/structure.actual
+      - bundle exec rake test:db
+  - name: "Docker-Compose Configuration"

Would it make sense to instead rebase this PR on top of #3002 entirely?

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