[openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website] WIP: simple_form (#2655)

Andy Allan notifications at github.com
Thu Jun 11 12:06:12 UTC 2020

@gravitystorm commented on this pull request.

> -    </div>
-    <div class='standard-form-row'>
-      <label class='standard-label'><%= t ".tags" %></label>
-      <%= f.text_field :tagstring %> (<%= t ".tags_help" %>)
-    </div>
-    <div class='standard-form-row'>
-      <label class='standard-label'><%= t ".visibility" %></label>
-      <%= f.select :visibility, [[t("traces.visibility.private"), "private"], [t("traces.visibility.public"), "public"], [t("traces.visibility.trackable"), "trackable"], [t("traces.visibility.identifiable"), "identifiable"]] %> (<a href="<%= t ".visibility_help_url" %>"><%= t ".visibility_help" %></a>)
-    </div>
-  </fieldset>
-<%= f.submit %>
+<%= simple_form_for @trace do |f| %>

Yeah, no final decision on that. I'm not sure why e.g. number of points was shown on the edit form, it's not like you could change any of that metadata so why have it shown disabled on the form. Feedback welcome on this though.

I started playing around with the simple_form `disabled` option and the bootstrap `.form-control-plaintext` class but haven't finished that line of enquiry.

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