[Routing] shooting star

Gerald A geraldablists at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 16:05:52 GMT 2010


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:56 AM, javad sadidi <jsadidi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I am looking for a detailed description of shooting star for the best path
> finding. but I cant find it. I need a description and if it is possible ,
> having a detailed example.
> who can help me

No one, it seems, if you don't want to read the answers that are provided to
you. At first I thought I had a deja-vu, but you actually asked this
question 10 days ago.

It was answered by Daniel Kastl then, first with a link, and then followed
up with an explanation a few e-mails later. Others even chimed in, giving
you more suggestions.

I doubt anyone here can give you more help then that -- and if you've
followed up on all of that, you should at least let us know that.

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