[Tagging] Shoulder and traffic indicator tags

Dave F. davefox at madasafish.com
Wed Aug 4 21:03:18 BST 2010

  On 03/08/2010 14:18, Daniel Tremblay wrote:
> Yes, I can bike on normal lane and I do it.  I don't like however to 
> find myself on a 90km/h road with no shoulders.  This is the kind of 
> situation I would like to avoid when preparing my trip.  This is why 
> the shoulder indicator would be usefull IMO.

A shoulder tag is fine, but it should be added as a sub tag of the main 
highway=* such as shoulder=yes/no & shoulder_width=* etc.

It should not be associated with bicycle=* or cycleway=*. If it's a 
shoulder then vehicles can enter it.

If there's a lane at the side of the road designated for bikes then it's 
not a shoulder.

Take a look at this for relevant  examples:


Dave F.

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