[Tagging] Forestry

Gerhard Hermanns hermanns at ptt.uni-due.de
Fri Jul 8 17:51:22 BST 2011

Hi all,

I came across forest roads, signposted as follows: "Forest road closed 
for motor vehicles, riders and harnessed teams. Free for forestry".
(Actually the sign is in German: "Forstweg gesperrt für Motorfahrzeuge, 
Reiter und Gespanne. Frei für Forstbetrieb".)

For now they are tagged as:

    * access=forestry
    * bicycle=yes
    * foot=yes
    * highway=track
    * horse=no
    * motor_vehicle=no
    * surface=gravel
    * tracktype=grade2

and I would complement this with "carriage=no".

Now looking at the sign would you recommend
a) "access=forestry"+"motor_vehicle=no" or
b) "motor_vehicle=forestry" so the access-tag becomes obsolete?

Gerhard (Seoman)
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