[Tagging] Multi-value tagging and Lane Groups

Martin Vonwald imagic.osm at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 14:58:32 GMT 2012

Am 08.02.2012 um 15:38 schrieb Colin Smale <colin.smale at xs4all.nl>:

> On 08/02/2012 13:40, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> 6. building:levelPlan=*    What each storey is used for, Examples: 0-2:
>> shop, 3-12: residential; 0: restaurant, 1: residential; -1: unused, 0:
>> lobby, 1: restuarant, 2-12: offices, 13: unused, 14-66: offices
>> ->  missleading key (one would expect a link to a level plan IMHO). Why
>> should we suggest a key that is crying for multivalues? We don't use
>> capital letters in key names (see beginners guide, 1.4.1). This could
>> become:
>> building:level:0:use=restaurant building:level:1:use=residential
> Another area crying out for this multi-value approach is the "lane group" business, which has been going round in circles for a long time.
>    lane:1:access=no
>    lane:1:psv=yes
> There you go - an instant bus lane.
>    lane:3:minoccupants=2
> Gives you a carpool lane.
>    lane:3:maxwidth=2
> Lane with width restriction
>    lane:2-3:intended_direction=turn_right
>    lane:2-3:destination=London
>    lane:2-3:dest_ref=A2
> Two lanes for turning right on the A2 towards London - information only, not affecting routing. Side-effect: lays the foundations for improved routing instructions.
> Existing tags can easily be reused, now applying at the individual lane level, possibly explicitly overriding tags at the way level. Just needs agreement on a system for numbering the lanes (outside-to-inside sounds OK, starting at one for the normal lanes, then lane zero can be the hard shoulder).
> I have not got involved with the recent discussions about lane groups because as far as I can see they are all overly complex to understand and implement. A standardised approach to array-valued tags is the way to go IMHO. If we are prepared to discuss changing the basic tag syntax, we could think of "lane[2]:psv=yes" but that would have a lot more impact.
> Colin
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