[Tagging] amenity=toilets / pitlatrine=yes

Bryce Nesbitt bryce2 at obviously.com
Tue Jun 25 05:49:07 UTC 2013

After discussion on this list I have a proposed approach
for bringing the pitlatrine concept into the toilet tagging.
This involves two new tags:

indoor=yes         * if the toilet entrance is indoors. Outdoor entrances
are otherwise assumed.*
toilets:position=* * one or more of seated, squat, urinal (e.g.
"seated;urinal" if the facility supports both use positions).*
toilets:disposal=flush   *       toilets that move waste away from
immediate area using a liquid (usually water).*
toilets:disposal=pitlatrine    * waste falls into a lined or unlined pit.*
toilets:disposal=chemical    * waste falls into a lined pit filled with a
toilets:disposal=bucket     *   waste is placed in a container which is
removed by hand for disposal.*

*There are quite a few other toilet tagging desires, perhaps someone else
can work on refining:*
male=yes/no for    * tagging a men-only entrance=yes.*
female=yes/no for  * tagging a female-only entrance=yes.*
access=key         *used if asking for an access key is needed.*
toilet:byop=yes/no     *bring your own paper (for wiping).*

*The draft is up at *
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