[Tagging] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.23.0

Christoph Hormann chris_hormann at gmx.de
Wed Oct 29 21:54:44 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 29 October 2014, Dan S wrote:
> The tagging and the wiki have been that way for many years.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bed_and_breakfast

Well - not exactly, this redirect as well as the removal of 
tourism=bed_and_breakfast as an alternative from 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dguest_house has been 
done about a year ago.  There is 'Deprecated' noted on 


but without there having been a proposal to deprecate it.

tourism=bed_and_breakfast exists 609 times at the moment, 
guest_house=bed_and_breakfast 154 times.

Generally given the huge influence the standard style has on mapping and 
that a lot of people articulated the need to differenciate between B&B 
and larger guest houses in discussions i agree this change indeed is 
probably not to the better.

Christoph Hormann

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