[Tagging] Deprecation of associatedStreet-relations

Andreas Goss andig88 at t-online.de
Sun Jan 25 12:00:00 UTC 2015

> Your editor will probably hace displayed a warning at step 1. At the
> end of the operation, you've got a house missing it street, not a
> fully broken relation.

Most don't. Right now JOSM is the only one I use that does. Especially 
most mobile editors don't... some just flat out don't even show you 

Fully borken or not. In my opinion a assiciatedstreet relation that does 
not include every element is broken. At that point all the advantages 
are gone.

> That's nitpicking, I know. How about "breaking" addr:street addresses
> to compare ?

Obviously not much better, but I think people are less likely to just 
remove a addr:street without noticing than a relation. So I fail to see 
how is makes AS better as everyone claims.

> * Same remove/replace/add steps with a typo when readding addr:street
> ("what ? but I picked the automcomplete suggestion !"). Actually, that
> works without the remove/replace steps as well.

Often I do this to convert a node into a area.

Sometimes I remove stuff by accident realize it later and instead of 
going back just replace it, because I did more stuff in that time and 
don't want to lose my work.

> * Add a new addr:housenumber but forget/ignore to add addr:street
> (would be no different with associatedStreet, except the local
> newbie's work will have been prepared by the armchair veteran)

Why would it have been prepared? And why with AS but not with 
addr:street? Most associatedStreet-relations I found in Germany did only 
include houses where someone actually mapped the housenumber. I did not 
find a single one where all houses in a street were included, but lacked 
other addr: tags.

> * Change the name of a street (btw, newbies often use iD and dont know
> how to search objects by tag). Much more common than you think if you
> consider street that have not been named yet or that have been split
> at the wrong spot.

If a street is split several times and a user knows he can find all 
parts in a relation I would no longer consider that user a newbie.

> The point is not that associatedStreet relations are unbreakable, but
> that there are less opportunities for breakage than there is with
> addr:street.

And that's where I disagree. Removing a object for a relations is as 
likely as missing a addr:street tag. In addition the consequences are 
worse for the associatedstreet relation, because you assume it's 
complete when it actuall isn't, which makes it kinda pointless.

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