[Tagging] sidewalk unsuitable for wheelchair

Philip Barnes phil at trigpoint.me.uk
Sun Dec 10 18:45:37 UTC 2017

On Sun, 2017-12-10 at 18:25 +0000, Nick Bolten wrote:
> The downside of using `wheelchair=no` is that there are many
> conditions that will prevent some, but not all, wheelchair users from
> using the infrastructure. For example: some wheelchair users don't
> care about curb ramp info at all because they're comfortable finding
> driveways and going in the street (`kerb=raised` does not imply
> `wheelchair=no`), while others absolutely require proper
> infrastructure (most powered wheelchair users, `kerb=raised` implies
> `wheelchair=no`). I recommend tagging specific, on-the-ground
> conditions that can be interpreted later, like `kerb`, `barrier`,
> `width`, `surface`.
> Another thing is that you probably want this info to be immediately
> useful, but I'm not aware of any existing routers that can use
> sidewalk=* subtags, as the sidewalk=* on a street model has to be
> expanded to a new graph (and the vast majority of routers don't do
> that). OpenTripPlanner is attempting to develop this, but it's
> unreleased. That doesn't mean you shouldn't tag, but it's a segue for
> my next recommendation: consider mapping sidewalks as separate
> footways. More or less, you describe sidewalks as `highway=footway`
> `footway=sidewalk`, connect them via `highway=footway`
> `footway=crossing` ways, and ensure that those crossings intersect
> and share a node with streets.  While this involves more ways, it
> makes it much easier to organize and use the kinds of subtags you're
> interested in using, and can be used directly in most routers. For
> example, you wouldn't have to make an executive decision about
> `sidewalk:width` vs `width:sidewalk` - just use the widely-documented 
> `width` tag.

Mapping as separate ways can cause many issues, the basic rendering
issue where streets already collide with buildings, plus where do I put
the crossings other than make them up? 

A pedestrian can cross the road anywhere and will not want a route that
does not allow that most basic of concepts.

Phil (trigpoint)
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