[Tagging] traffic_signals:lanes? (specific signal types for certain lanes)

Tom Pfeifer t.pfeifer at computer.org
Wed Dec 27 10:04:49 UTC 2017

On 27.12.2017 00:04, yo paseopor wrote:
> In this case I think it would be more useful and accurate to separate the left lane a couple of 
> meters before it really does and put a traffic signal for this new way with one lane that turns 
> left. I think it would be unusefull to put a traffic signal on the other way with continuous green.

Please don't separate lanes earlier. The common consensus is to draw separate ways only when they 
are physically separated. For lanes that means to split them only when a physical barrier begins.

For everything else we have the :lanes attribute. Some of them are quite successful and used heavily 
by data consumers (e.g. turn:lanes), others are more experimental.

Proposals that tried to model specific traffic light behaviour were unsuccessful so far, mostly 
because such behaviour is often adjustable by traffic management and/or difficult to observe.

As for your continuous green light, you might have always observed that it is on, maybe because you 
have never been there at a time when it might be off.


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