[Tagging] Spillways

Richard ricoz.osm at gmail.com
Fri Mar 24 15:54:00 UTC 2017

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 09:42:35AM +0900, John Willis wrote:
> The thing I am tagging is not a dam. It is a series of flood basins, one of which is a "reservoir". They are made by levees that surround the rivers, but in a very complicated way. They eventually return all the water back to the river, shortly after it is captured. 
> I explain that below, if you are interested, 
> But the TL;DR is that it is a weird combination of levees, weirs, spillways, gates (which are possibly considered a dam), channels, valves, and other things that are not properly fleshed out in OSM, and they should have tags created/expanded for them. 

well I was asking because for me any kind of artificial wall designed to impound
water is a waterway=dam (or weir if water runs over it). This would include most 
levees even if we usualy don't map them explicitly.
They could be mapped as embankment but if you consider waterway=dam inadequate for
it I would prefer a special levee tag or refining waterway=dam with additional 

The waterway=dam definition is showing age and could use some refinement


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