[Tagging] many tiny zoo

Tom Pfeifer t.pfeifer at computer.org
Mon May 29 21:45:32 UTC 2017

On 29.05.2017 18:13, joost schouppe wrote:
> A mapper in my area added several tiny zoo's: 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/49005889?#map=19/50.74418/4.28134
> They are probably some enclosures where you can see animals, but these are just some cages in an 
> otherwise non-zoo leisure area. I think zoo is obviously wrong, but I find the wiki page for 
> tourism=zoo not entirely clear on that. I'm thinking of adding a clarification that a zoo is for a 
> larger area with primary function being a zoo, which may contain one or more enclosures.

The zoo tag says nothing about size, that is defined by polygon size.
I don't see a need to narrow the definition to larger operations.

The sub-type of a zoo can be defined, depending on your local situation,
zoo=petting_zoo (445)
zoo=enclosure (947)
might be a correct description?

You might also consider the zoo as the whole area there, and map the four cages with barrier=fence


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