[Tagging] Street exits

Marc Gemis marc.gemis at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 06:32:36 UTC 2018

Where is the maxspeed 15 km/h, only on the crossing with the sidewalk
? Then that is similar to traffic calming tables in Belgium, where the
max speed is also lower.

I would just map a point on the road with highway=crossing;
crossing="dutch_exit_construction_type". and perhaps a small segment
of the road with surface=paving_stones; maxspeed=15 and a
highway=give_way node next to the crossing node.
In Belgium you are supposed to stop at each highway=crossing and give
way to the pedestrians waiting to cross the street. So the give way to
pedestrians is somehow implied by the crossing.

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 8:05 AM Peter Elderson <pelderson at gmail.com> wrote:
> In Nederland we have a growing number of  "exit constructions", where traffic has to cross a section of sidewalk to join the larger road. There is no traffic sign for this, it is indicated by the construction and lining of the join section. "If it looks like a driveway exit, treat it like a driveway exit" is the idea. Don't bother with signs, just use more sidewalk pavement.
> https://www.google.nl/maps/@51.9663779,4.6074315,3a,75y,14.43h,78.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8uG7mHF9cw2n65XprKze0w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
> This has (legal and practical) implications for speed and right of way: traffic coming from an exit construction has to give way to all sides, to all traffic including pedestrians, and maxspeed = 15 Kmph.
> Some mappers want to tag this so it could be rendered and routed taking speed limit and right of way into account.
> The easiest solution is to tag the end of the joining road (where traffic crosses the sidewalk) with an exiting or new highway tag, defining it as a section which can be crossed (and routed) but has to give way to all, and limits speed.
> Any thoughts on this?
> --
> Vr gr Peter Elderson
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