[Tagging] Different postal codes in each side of the street

Paul Johnson baloo at ursamundi.org
Fri Mar 9 20:16:30 UTC 2018

On Mar 9, 2018 14:10, "Fernando Trebien" <fernando.trebien at gmail.com> wrote:

In Brazil some streets have a different postal code on each side.
There seems to be no officially defined tag to represent this on ways.
Nominatim supports [1] US TIGER tags tiger:zip_left and
tiger:zip_right, even though those could be replaced with postal code
boundary relations [2] in the future since they are areas [3].

TIGER uses US Census zips, not US Postal Service.  US Census zips aren't
used in addresses, and may not necessarily match the Postal Service zips.
tiger:zip*=* can probably be removed as pointless.

Furthermore, while Census zips do describe areas, Postal Service zips do
not, boundaries are not applicable.
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