[Tagging] Tagging request: missing admin_level tags

Matthijs Melissen info at matthijsmelissen.nl
Sat Mar 10 00:51:02 UTC 2018

Hi all,

OpenStreetMap Carto, the default stylesheet on openstreetmap.org, is
considering to change the mechanism for rendering admin boundaries.
The proposed rendering of admin borders will be based on admin
boundary ways rather than polygons. This has a number of advantages -
for example, it will make it possible to style maritime boundaries

The admin boundary ways are already in the database. However, in some
cases they are missing an admin_level tag. When the proposed style
change will be deployed, boundary=administrative ways without
admin_level tag will no longer be rendered. I would therefore suggest
to make sure admin_level tags are present on all
boundary=administrative ways.

A map showing admin boundary ways without admin_level tag (displayed
in gray) can be found here:
As can be seen, most countries already do have admin_level on ways.
However, in for example Poland, Iran and Australia, this data seems to
be missing.

-- Matthijs

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