[Tagging] motorcycle:scale

Paul Allen pla16021 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 20:59:37 UTC 2019

On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 20:50, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny at gmail.com> wrote:

> The tagging mailing list discusses six alternative ways to represent
> the proposed feature. Someone argues that betas don't actually exist.
> Someone else insists that betas are really just another kind of bees.
> A third person insists that there's no way to be certain in the field
> that what you're looking at is a beta, so the proposal should fail on
> verifiability. Another insists that before betas can be mapped, we
> need a whole taxonomy of Greek letters, and the discussion rapidly
> devolves into a long digression about whether θ and ϑ are really the
> same letter because one is printed and the other is cursive.

That's a very idealized description of the process.  It normally doesn't
work that well.

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