[Tagging] units and notations for maxstay

Andrew Errington erringtona at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 00:42:35 UTC 2019

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019, 01:44 Colin Smale <colin.smale at xs4all.nl wrote:

> Lets be clear, the storage format can (and should) be decoupled from the
> display format. What is stored in the database can easily (assuming it is
> sufficiently standardised!!!) be translated for human consumption, and the
> inverse can be done when storing. It happens in just about every computer
> program ever. Storing the value as an ISO string assures
> machine-readability and editors, browsers etc can use standard libraries to
> format it for humans, in whatever language you like.

Precisely this. Glad somebody gets it.

It's the same argument that we had over 'potable=yes'.

Amazingly, everyone here understands the ISO8601 concept and how it can be
used, but we assume nobody else does, therefore our hands are tied and we
can't use it.

If we think people won't enter the data correctly then create a little
tool, much like the opening hours tool in Osmand, that makes it easy. The
UI presents the data in a human-readable format (bonus points for
localisation on the fly) but records the data in the database in ISO8601
format (language and location agnostic). Similarly, if current query tools
can't handle this format then... update the tools.

Power users can simply read the data directly. New power users will be
grateful that we chose a sensible data format for this key.

I'll be interested to see the details of alternative proposals, but I doubt
they'll be as succinct.

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