[Tagging] Proposed feature - RFC - Military Bases

Graeme Fitzpatrick graemefitz1 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 08:10:51 UTC 2020

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 at 17:13, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com>

> This is an interesting idea.
> But the current proposal only provides a way to tag the military service
> branch of a military=base feature (which is usually also landuse=military).
> It might be better if there were a way to tag the branch for any sort of
> military feature, including military=office, military=danger_area
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Amilitary%3Ddanger_area>,
> military=barracks, and so on.

Can't see that that should be a major problem?

=offices are usually located inside a Base, which is covered as base=xxx,
or possibly "joint". You do have Recruiting Centres that are often found in
commercial areas, but they are usually for all forces, not individual ones.
If it's an "Army" only Recruiting office, you could go military=office +
office=recruiting + recruiting=army; or it could be covered by either
name=Army Recruiting Centre, or military=office + office=army?

There wouldn't usually be a need to specify who a =danger_area "belongs"
to, as they are almost always located inside =training_areas, which are
then named eg Beecroft Naval Weapons Range, but once again, training /
danger_area=navy should work.

As for =barracks. I did mention that it appears that =barracks is
frequently (almost always?) used incorrectly. It's currently defined as
"Buildings where soldiers live & work", but that is wrong. Barracks are
living & sleeping quarters only, not the entire Base area, so the =barracks
should be located inside military=base + base=xxx.

& as I've just mentioned on the Talk page, I'm starting to partially agree
with the "Don't map anything military" theory! I still think it's fine to
map the area & say that this is Edwards Air Force Base, but I'm wondering
if we really need to, or should, then map interior details to say that this
building is the Officers Mess, these are the Enlisted Quarters & this is
the Armoury?


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