[Tagging] How to put a name tag on an area with more than one type?

Anders Torger anders at torger.se
Sun Dec 13 19:08:40 UTC 2020

A common established method to name natural features with separated 
parts is as a multipolygon with several outers. There is one object that 
ties them all together.

In this case a multipolygon is not possible, since the member types 
differ and "outers" share segments. I think to actually have them all 
tied together in a unit is still a good idea, it is one entity, not 
multiple entities named the same. If this ever gets supported by a 
renderer the logical way would be to have the name only on the relation 
and no name on the separate parts.


On 2020-12-13 16:15, Christoph Hormann wrote:
>> Anders Torger <anders at torger.se> hat am 13.12.2020 15:28 geschrieben:
>> So what I've settled for (for now) is as follows:
>> - same name on each part (the only way to get the data useful *today*)
>> - a new relation with all parts as members (role unset), type=natural, 
>> natural=wetland, name=<the name>
> I am trying to understand what the issue is with the recommendation
> for mapping you have received from multiple sides here.
> So what exactly is the verifiable knowledge that is supposed to be
> represented by your new relation type that is not already recorded in
> the mapping of physical features?

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