[Tagging] Is a ship-lift a crane

Michael Patrick geodesy99 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 00:31:10 UTC 2021

A drydock is a type of 'lock' albeit usually one with one entrance (
although some are pass-through with lock gates on each end, and may have
multiple lock gates to subdivide the volume ). See  Swansea Dry Dock, Lock
Gate Removal:
A floating drydock dispenses with the gates, although there are a few
salvage types that do have gates to keep heavy seas out of the interior as
the dock is floated.

The fully qualified expression for locks on waterways is a 'navigation
lock':    http://osp.mans.edu.eg/tahany/LOCKS1.htm because there are
situations where a hydraulic engineering 'lock' use has nothing to do with
boats, it might be to control water levels to prevent saline and fresh
water mixing, volumes available in irrigation ditches, invasive species
control, etc. Fish ladders are a succession of locks " The channel acts as
a fixed *lock* to gradually step down the *water* level; to head upstream,
fish must jump over from box to box in the ladder. " ( wikipedia ). The
generic term 'lock' in the context of fluids and gasses is some means of
dealing with two zones with different potentials.

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