[Tagging] opening_hours and related tags: hours past 24:00

Snusmumriken snusmumriken.mapper at runbox.com
Sat Oct 16 16:45:17 UTC 2021

On Sat, 2021-10-16 at 02:09 -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> So apparently at least two different validators disagree on which is
> valid syntax for opening times stretching beyond midnight:
> opening_hours=Fr-Sa 06:00-01:00
> opening_hours=Fr-Sa 06:00-25:00
> opening_hours=Fr 06:00-24:00; Sa 00:00-01:00,06:00-24:00; Su 00:00-
> 01:00
> (pretend the third one is all on one line; Thunderbird is being weird
> about line wrapping)
> JOSM throws a warning for the first but not the second. Apparently
> Osmose throws a warning for the second but not the first. The third
> is
> unquestionably valid in any validator but (at least IMHO) needlessly
> inefficient and clumsy, and something I'd rather avoid having to
> resort to.
> The second has always made more sense to me and I get the impression
> that it's actually the preferred syntax per the formal specification
> on
> the wiki (search for "extended_hour"). Unfortunately none of the
> examples use it outside of 24:00 (the midnight on which a day ends,
> i.e.
> Fr 24:00 and Sa 00:00 would be the same time) so there are some who
> don't think it's valid syntax. Are there any programs which use OSM
> data
> which have issues with hour values above 24, either choking outright
> or
> which interpret them in a buggy fashion? Should bugs be filed with
> and/or Osmose about this?

If some software/validator can't handle the first example then filing a
bug report would be in order. Because it would work against one of the
core principals of OSM, the Ground Truth. If a night club has a sign
saying the opening hours are Fr-Sa 21:00-05:00, then that is what
should go in the OSM database. This data could then easily be processed
by an algorithm if it wants to normalize it into an other format. I
rather see that a handful of coders have to write a couple of extra
lines of code to parse the first example than that tens of thousands of
mappers would have to break up the data into some normalized format
when entering it.

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