[talk-au] Australia BP service station dataset - suitable for bulk import?

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 08:42:27 GMT 2009

2009/12/11 James Livingston <doctau at mac.com>:
> http://apps.nowwhere.com.au/caltex/austlocator/search.aspx

I wouldn't bother with nowwhere, it's a mapds website and they are
most likely hosting the data on behalf of caltex, and so they probably
wouldn't be able or willing to release the data.

> http://www.shell.com.au/home/content/aus/products_services/on_the_road/shell_station_locator/site_locator.html
> http://apps.exxonmobil.com.au/apps/htm/mn_mobil_products_stations.asp

After we've done fuel stations what about fast food locations? :)

Then you have supermarket chains, and so on.

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