[talk-au] Data Error - Junctions ?

Ross Scanlon info at 4x4falcon.com
Thu Jun 18 03:54:54 BST 2009

> you will see that none of the junctions for side roads
> are correctly joined to Luttrell Street. This problem appears to be
> repeated across the area generally.<br>

They should be joined with nodes at the junctions for all junctions, T or
cross roads.  It does not make much difference to the renderers but does
for routers like gosmore.

> I'll do a detailed GPS trace of the area and double check all of the
> street names, then assuming that I'm correct and all of these streets
> need to form standard junctions, I'll go ahead and edit the area street
> by street with my trace and street names for reference to correct the
> junction issue.<br>
> <br>
> I wonder why these don't show up in Keepright with the
> "almost-junctions" check?<br>
> <br>

Maybe not close enough, or too many errors showing up as keepright only
shows 100 at a time.

> Assuming this is an error on the part of the person who originally
> entered the data, is it prudent to contact them to let them know in
> case they continue to enter data this way ?<br>
> <br>

Probably a good idea.


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