[talk-au] Picnic Tables

Liz edodd at billiau.net
Mon Jun 22 11:04:55 BST 2009

On Sat, 20 Jun 2009, John Smith wrote:
> --- On Sat, 20/6/09, Cameron <osm-mailing-lists at justcameron.com> wrote:
> > I think somewhere on the OSM wiki it
> > says that there are no official osm tags, just conventions
> > which are followed. So jump in and create your own tags and
> > edit the wiki as you see fit.
> Yes I know, but I was hoping there might be a tag so the tables showed up
> on the map at zoom 18 or so.
> I actually went back and relabeled them amenity=picnic_table since others
> have already done that anyway and if I get bored enough I plan to look into
> how to get picnic_table as an official amenity item and how to get a
> pictogram on the map for them.
> The buggers are everywhere, nearly every "stop, revive and survive" site
> along the Newell, Cunningham and a couple of other minor roads have them.
> Also the local councils or whoever seemed to have doubled up the number of
> locations since I went along some of those, and freshly installed toilets
> too.
I thought the highest zoom was 17
so at zoom 18 we wouldn't be seeing them
As a one time resident of elsewhere in this world, i still recall why in Au we 
use these things
so i started the talk page

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