[talk-au] Junctions (to name or not to name)

Sam Couter sam at couter.id.au
Sun Jun 28 01:03:38 BST 2009

Rick Peterson <ausrick at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Originally, I didn't name roundabout junctions, but when I validate my 
> work in JOSM, it identifies them as 'Unnamed Ways' in the warnings section.
> I've tried naming a few using the name of the primary road that connects 
> with the junction. The validation warnings disappear, however, the 
> rendered work looks messy as the streets AND roundabouts get named at 
> close zooms.

My oh so carefully considered (at least 30 seconds) opinion is that the
renderer is broken and shouldn't put names on junction=roundabout ways.
I think the roundabout ways should be tagged with the name of the
primary through road.

> I've had a look at the wiki information on junctions, however there 
> doesn't seem to be any information about whether to name or not to name 
> the junctions ( see 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:junction%3Droundabout )
> Any advice or comments ?

Only to say that the same questions are raised by motorway_link and
primary_link, except they're even more important when listening to
routing directions. And those questions aren't answered in the Wiki
either, as far as I can tell.


A collection of unnamed links that confuse drivers when routing software
doesn't know where to direct them, and for free, one unnamed roundabout:


Sam Couter         |  mailto:sam at couter.id.au
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